Don’t Go Back For It…
Don’t go back for it, or else you’ll be disappointed. I still hear these words in my mind every time I experience something amazing. My dear sweet auntie in Love, spoke these words to me nearly two years ago after I told her about an amazing dining experience. Initially, I was like Wait? What! However, I quickly understood her meaning and for me that became an “Ah Ha Moment”.
Taking in the fullness of that profound statement reminded me to appreciate the moment. How many times do we use the past to live forward? I mean think about it, you visit a beautiful destination and during your departure you make the statement, I can’t wait to come back. Often you go back only to encounter disappointment because you will never have that exact same experience again.
Considering we are ever changing the first change would be within YOU! Life is set up like that, change is inevitable so we are not meant to stay the same and even though some changes may be subtle, changes are still occurring.
Charles and I recently celebrated our wedding anniversary in the Big Easy. Although we have been there before, we wanted to celebrate as if it were our first time. For the most part we were able to do this by staying in a totally different hotel, visiting different places and allowing the experience to flow naturally. I was feeling good about the whole thing until I realized that I had allowed my search for gumbo to take me back. Yep, I was looking for a taste of gumbo that I remembered from times past, and it was no longer there.
Finally, I let go of what I thought the gumbo should be and just allowed myself to encounter some delicious NOW tasting gumbo and it happened just like that. Once I stopped trying to go back for it I found the delicious gumbo that was presently there!
REAL TALK: The disappointment in going back for something may be found in YOU! Whatever YOU are going back for may not have changed much but maybe YOU have.
Living in the present moment doesn’t come without disappointments, however it does save you from going back for the disappointment. Enjoy your life from this point forward! Don’t go back for anything, if it’s meant for your journey, allow space for it and trust that it will find you in the present moment!
“The point of power is always in the present moment.” ~Louise Hay
Thank you for reading….. ~One Love Diane