When All Hope Fails, Look Again…
Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.–Helen Keller
There’s an old cliche’ which says; “Things are not always as they appear!” I am actually in total agreement with that cliche’ because over the course of my life, I have done my share of “double takes.” Looking again to see if what I was seeing, was really what I was seeing. Funny but true story, many years ago my vehicle was stolen from right in front of my house. I remember opening the front door and finding an empty space where the car should have been. I immediately shut the door and opened it again looking for my car and it was still gone.
I chuckle as I write this now because SERIOUSLY, what did I think shutting the door and opening it again would do. I guess maybe I thought it would reset the reality and bring me out of that dream where my car was stolen. However, it did no such thing because it wasn’t a dream I was wide awoke and my car was long gone.
On the flip side there have been times when things appeared pretty scary only to turn into the most amazing experiences. For instance, when Charles and I started our current journey 8 years ago, things unraveled at the very beginning. The uncertainty was uncomfortable and by the time it was all said and done instead of our last days in California being at the oceanside we were in the high desert. Coming Soon 5:16 DocuSeries!
Initially we did not see the amazing blessing that was occurring as a result of the redirections that took place. However, as we moved forward it became clear that things were aligning in preparation for the journey that we are currently on. WE are beyond grateful for every uncomfortable twist and turn that has been taken on this journey. See there’s another cliche’ that was given to me by my mom which goes; “If it’s doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger.” I not only believe it, but I live by that cliche’. We are still heading to Paris, France just on a different route with a new purpose. Sometimes things fall apart to come together differently! Check out I Didn’t See That Coming
For the last two years we have been living in a world that has been turned upside down and inside out. The pandemic has caused so much havoc resulting in the loss of lives at an alarming rate. The increased death rates are also a result of suicides, mass shootings, broken hearts, and lack of medical supplies/equipment/staffing. The constant narrative of fear, panic and death on top of the world shut down was quite a challenge for a lot of people.
At the onset of the pandemic Charles and I were indirectly affected on a very deep and personal level as we consoled, served, and loved on family and friends suffering the loss of loved ones. Every single day we were getting multiple calls for prayer requests and opportunities to serve. EVERY SINGLE DAY! I cannot even express the weight, but I can say this “LOVE CONQUERS ALL” In the midst of all the chaos “Love Drops” was launched first as daily videos and then into what is now the Love Drops Podcast. There’s another clique’ that goes “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.” That is not one of my favorite cliche’s however it describes how Charles and I changed the 2020 narrative with Love Drops. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” ~Maya Angelou
Many years ago on a dark rainy night, I found myself approaching a one lane bridge. I was about halfway across the bridge when a large semi-tractor trailer truck entered from the opposite side. I could not believe what was happening, OMG! What was that driver thinking, didn’t he see it was a one lane bridge and I was halfway across? Is this it, am I going out like this? My daughter, son, and nephew were all in the car and instead of screaming they all just stared out of the window, with their eyes and mouths opened wide. In a terrified voice my daughter asked, “What are we going to do now?” In a calm voice that was beyond me, I answered pray!
As we all looked at those headlights of that big tractor rig coming straight for us, no one screamed. I remember saying “Lord please, help us” and just like that we passed the truck and was on the other side of that ONE LANE bridge. I pulled over shaking from head to toe and looked over my shoulder to confirm the bridge was one lane! In unison my three young passengers asked, how did we do that? They were all looking back while waiting for me to answer, and I simply said, “I don’t know.”
Whatever you are facing right now, I encourage you to “Look Again” knowing that there is a solution and often times it’s beyond what you may be able to see. When all hope seems to fail, sometimes you just need to “LOOK AGAIN’
Thanks for reading! ~One Love, Diane