There’s Power in The Name
Well hello friends and fellow readers. I’m back, and I am so excited to share another nugget with you!
Have you ever thought about the importance of names? As I was returning home, I began to think about my name. Does it have any significant meaning, or did my parents just like that name? My name, of course, is Barbara and it means “stranger” or “foreign. It is the foreign form of the Greek Barbaros. A name identifies you.
In the Bible names were given that indicated something that happened or in remembrance of a place or some significant memory. Moses was given his name because it meant “drawn out of.” Abram’s name was changed to Abraham because he would become the father of many nations
Each morning during our prayer time, the scripture in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 is one that is used. It is the scripture on Jabez, and it reads: “Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what He requested.
“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” —William Carey. Jabez wanted to expand his horizon. He wanted to do more for God. When I read that, I thought about the saying, to whom much is given, much is required. How much am I willing to sacrifice to exercise the vast opportunities available to me to help grow the Kingdom of God? The prayer mentioned that Jabez was more honorable than any of his brothers. In other words He had a great reputation for doing what he said. Do we have a will do mentality?
The prayer is very short, but it gives us a lot to meditate on. Who was Jabez that God felt it necessary to include him in the pages of the Bible? What lessons are we to get from his prayer?
For a man who is mentioned in a couple of verses of scripture, Jabez’s request to be blessed, delivered, and given new opportunities is admirable. We could look at his request to have his territory enlarged in more than one way. What do you think about that portion of his request? Just asking.
When we ask to be free of something, I think that we no longer want to be bogged down with the influence that comes from it. When we hold on to anger and pain, we unconsciously, or maybe, subconsciously cause someone else pain.
Our pastor designated the month of May as the month of miracles at our church. However, one month was not really adequate to encompass all the miracles that are yet to come.
In his book, The Prayer of Jabez, Bruce Wilkinson speaks of this journey of miracles that we are on, those everyday occurrences that we can’t really explain, but which are life changing.
Sometimes life hurts. It causes us much pain, but how would you feel knowing that each time your name is called it reminds you of how you were birthed in pain. Would you be able to rise above it as Jabez did, or would you allow it to consume you?
As you live your life, honor your name as a child of God. You are a Christian. Know that you’re being continually blessed. Jabez asked God to enlarge his territory. I’ll share a secret with you. With each move from pain to victory, God is expanding your capacity. He will expand you to the level of your capacity, but you must be willing to push past the obstacles and roadblocks. The ultimate lesson(s) that I received from Jabez’s prayer is that we can go to God with any request. Jabez asked and God granted his request. Your name may identify you, but it doesn’t have to define who you are.
When you pray, do you believe that God will honor your request? Do you believe that in spite of the obstacles and hardships that you may encounter? Guess what? He grants requests.
You are blessed. You will be faced with many opportunities. Use what you have to encourage and help others along the way.
Jesus’ name means “Savior.” He saved us from our sin by dying on the cross so that we might live. And because He got up from the grave, we shall one day reign with Him. Expand your horizons as you draw others to Him.
We’ll talk again soon, but until then you’re wished much love, joy, peace, and blessings.
Barbara G.