The Heart is More Powerful Than the Mind
When I was young I was full of light. As I entered elementary school the light started to dim. I immediately felt judgement, and "other" because of my quirky sense of humor, I did not feel smart, and I saw myself as overly emotional. I was bullied in middle school and never truly felt like I fit in. I dimmed my light in order to fit into the "normal" social circles. I would often have friends and bullies steal my light in order to increase their own. I felt numb. By the time I was in high school and then college I was very insecure and did not know who I was. I lost my identity of this bright vibrant emotional being to someone who wanted to put on the mask and pretend I was one of the popular crowd. I kept that mask on for a long time. I struggled with an eating disorder and unhealthy relationships.
Meeting my husband in 2016 at 34 years old was the best thing that happened to me. He is my light. He is my mirror. He allowed me to be me. He loves all of me. I never felt love like that before. It was not this overly hot and steamy romantic love, well maybe a little in the beginning haha, but it was an honest pure love. A man who not only was a lover but one of my greatest friends that I ever had. He is my best friend. Then at almost 40 years old, I was ready to take off that mask.
In 2022 I realized after being burned by so many in my life that it was time to fully be my authentic self. I started to stick up for myself, say "no" to things that did not serve me anymore, and stand in my worth. I was practicing self-love. I did a workshop online and started meditation to work on my inner world. That work allowed me to start a podcast, The Teacher Story, become a teacher/education reform advocate, and now write my first book. If I did not prioritize me and my self-love then I know I could not accomplish all these projects. More importantly if I did not have self-love I could not fully love others and find the peace and balance in my life I so desperately needed. There are still hard days. There are still times I feel insecure. There are still days that I stop. But they are becoming less and I do get through hardships faster because I love myself.
I also have stepped into my faith. My love for God, Yeshua, the Universe, Mother Nature, and all people has completely altered the way I view my life. It is no longer about accomplishments, but it is about peace and love. The whole purpose of life is to fill up your cup so that it is overflowing in order to fill up the cups of others. We are all in this together. We are an ecosystem of love. My mission now is not just about being a teacher and education reform advocate, but my service to the world is to give and share love with as many souls as possible so we can all advance in consciousness together.
Cheers to Light and Love, Jackie Scully