Lessons From the Original
“It Is Better To Fail In Originality Than To Succeed In Imitation.” ~Herman Melville
Well hello friends and fellow readers. I’m back and I am so excited to share another nugget with you.
Wow! That is really a mouth full. What does it mean to be real? I’d say it speaks for a person who is honest, who is genuine and sincere in their dealings with others. A copy would appear to be just as real, but it lacks some of the same qualities. An original is self-explanatory. There’s no other first, only those who are images. You’ve heard the saying, “do as I say, not as I do.” So, I’m the one who gives the instructions, but I don’t necessarily have to follow them, you do. Don’t allow yourself to become drawn into a place where you are defined only by what you are told. Step out and be unapologetically who you are. Shine as you inspire.
My son is married to an identical twin, and he also has twin sisters, but they are not identical. Now if you are around the identical ones, over time you will see little quirks that help you identify one from the other. However, each set of twins stand on its own merits.
As I sat down to write, I began to question how genuine are my actions? How much do I stand out from the others? Am I standing on my own or am I a copy? What about you? Would someone be able to identify you from someone else by your character traits?
“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.” —Thomas a Kempis.
I’ve often felt that I was not good enough, but am I able to decide whether I am good enough to be good enough? It would take some serious thought and self-reflection to determine my own worth! What do I consider significant or special about me! In other words, what am I using as a measuring stick for my determination? I have to talk myself up, encourage myself. I have to remember that I am created in the image of God.
So, that says to me, “Girlfriend you are an original, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You were handpicked to do what you do. Share who you are, and what you have been given.”
1 Corinthians 11:1 (NIV) says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” I thought, I am not a copy of Christ, but if I follow His example I will be an inspiration for someone else. One of the biggest things about imitating Christ is to show His love one to another. As I close I send to you all the love of the original one, Jesus Christ Himself. I am just an imitator.
We’ll talk again later, but until then I wish you love, joy, peace and blessings. ~Barbara G.
“I hope that the things that I sing about will be an inspiration for people to be ORIGINAL.” ~India Arie