It’s All in The Details! (Barbara G.)
Well hello friends and fellow readers! Did you know that God is intentional in giving us guidance and instructions? Can I tell you that God is a God of details, and He vividly outlines each move that we make. He never gives us something to do without letting us know how to do it. Now, we may do it our way, but just like putting that piece of furniture together without following the instructions, something goes wrong; there will be something missing.
God, indeed, wants to know everything about us. All those little things that we consider to be insignificant are important to Him. It’s all the details of our life that He wants. When we bring a matter to God in prayer, we should be very specific. It is in the specificity that God will answer us.
Each time God gave directions for something to be built He was always very specific about how it was to be done. When the Ark of the Covenant was being transported on a cart and Uzzah reached out to keep it from falling, he was struck dead. Have your ever wondered why? After all, he prevented the Ark of the Covenant from falling. That is true, but those weren’t the instructions given as to how it should be transported.
According to Numbers 4:5-15, the Ark of the Covenant was only to be moved by the Levites, and it was to be carried on poles so that no one touched it. David and the people were so eager for the Ark of the Covenant to be returned to the City of David that in their zeal they were careless and did not follow God’s instructions.
Oftentimes, when we attempt to carry out what we think is God’s purpose for us, we tend to make mistakes. That’s because we have moved ahead of God. Even though we have “good intentions” we are out of step with God’s plan. David knew the instructions, but he failed to follow them. His haste and poor judgement caused another to lose his life. David got angry, but his actions had consequences. The Ark of the Covenant represents holiness and was to be respected as such. We serve a God of holiness, and many times we act in an irreverent manner. Proverbs 4:13 says “Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.”
If you will remember, Moses failed to follow God’s instructions for providing water for the Israelites. In Exodus 17:6, God instructed Moses to strike the rock to bring forth water. However, in Exodus 20:8-11, we read where God told Moses to speak to the rock. Well, Moses struck the rock in both instances. Each time water flowed from the rock to supply the people with water, but Moses suffered the consequences of his disobedient action. He was prevented from entering the Promised Land.
As I told you in the beginning, God is a God of details. He never gives an assignment without being very specific in His directions. Follow the instructions; they are given for a reason. Don’t allow yourself undue consequences because of your actions, or your frustration and impatience, or your desire to do it your way cause you to miss out on your blessing. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Follow the instructions. It could make all the difference.
We’ll talk again later, but until then you’re wished much love, peace, and blessings.
~Barbara G.