He Already Knows
(Why Are You Hiding?)
(Barbara G.)
Well hello friends and fellow readers! Have you ever encountered a situation where you just looked on? I guess that we all have at one time or another. Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt totally detached from those around you? You felt so burdened down, and in shame kept your head down. You thought about all the wrong things that you have done in your life, and you felt that you could never rise above them. You spent a lot of time in the back room. You hung out in the shadows fearing that if anyone saw you, they would guess your secret. You’re stuck and you don’t know how to get unstuck.
Well, I’m going to tell you a story that just might help you to break free. In the seventh chapter of Luke, we read about the woman with an alabaster box of fragrant oil and as she stood behind Jesus’ weeping, she washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. Kissing them she anointed them with the fragrant oil. She was a sinner just like us, but she’d heard about a man who could set her free. Now many of you have heard the song, It’s A Man’s World. Well, that was sort of the situation in those days. But her drive to get to the one who could set her free was so strong that she kept pressing her way.
It was a room filled with men, for women were not allowed, but Jesus was there. That was who she had come to see; so, she moved on amidst the stares and whispers. She had to see Him. She didn’t come empty handed; she came bearing an alabaster box filled with oil to anoint His feet. This was how she showed her gratitude and affection for Him. She never stopped crying because she was filled with emotion. As her tears fell on Jesus’ feet, she dried them with her hair. He knew her secret, her shame, but He told no one. Because of her selfless actions she was forgiven.
Jesus is saying that He is waiting to meet with us. There’s nothing that we can do that is so bad that we cannot be forgiven. Where will you go and meet with Him? When is the last time that you worshipped at His feet, and emptied your heart to Him?
Another account of the incident in the book of Mark is one of three that speak of a woman where Jesus was anointed with oil or perfume. On this occasion, Jesus chastises those who criticized her by saying that it was a waste, and the money from the sale would be better served by helping the poor. Simon, at whose home this occurred was reminded that he did none of this for Jesus. Why did she have the oil? Jesus said: “…She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” Mark 14:6-9
It was supposed that she was a woman of questionable status. Nonetheless she pressed her way. She had apparently become weary in her sin and had sought out the one that had bid all sinners to come to Him and He would give them rest.
But why did she do it? It was a selfless act of showing her love to the Master. It was the only thing that she had that was of value. She was broken, hurt, and feeling of no value, and perhaps in her contrition this was her way of giving her thanks. As she anointed His head with oil, she never stopped crying and praising.
What does this display of love say to us? It says that God honors our gifts no matter the size, He just wants our heart. She worshiped Him through her offering and her tears. She loved Him so much that she was willing to bear the taunts and the stares to be near Him.
As we continue to observe this Lenten season, maybe we should ask some introspective questions. How is our worship? Do we worship out of a heart of gratitude, or just for show? Do we seek to honor Him with our whole heart? What does our sacrifice look like? Is it the best that we can give? Would you have pressed your way in the face of opposition? Just think about it.
We’ll talk again later, but until then you’re wished much love, peace, and blessings.
~Barbara G.