Don’t Force My Anger
Well, hello again friends and fellow readers. Yes, it’s me again back to share a few more nuggets with you! I pray that during my absence you have been living your life well.
Why are we so angry? It seems that each day we hear more and more of how man’s anger toward another has caused someone harm or death. We’re afraid to change lanes in traffic, or pass someone on the road, or maybe we even stopped because the light was turning red and someone behind us was in a hurry. Shoot, we may have even looked in their direction and they took offense.
Anger is a normal emotion created by God, but we have to learn how to channel that anger for good and not for evil.
“ For man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires” (James 1:20)
“Don’t force my anger.” I heard that line spoken in the movie, Woman King. I began to ponder that thought and wondered how someone could force another’s anger. So, I first had to give myself a working definition of anger. Anger (n) - a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility (v) - fill (someone) with anger; provoke anger in.
Sometimes we react in anger to those who have hurt us, but, then we realize that we are being hurt ourselves. When we allow ourselves to become so angry that we strike out, we have lost control of who we are. We, then, become the victim. You might say, well what do I do in that instance? Hmmm, good question. Let’s try ignoring them and walking away. Try to give yourself some space to breathe and calm down. (Do not let hate take over your life).
In anger we often do and say things that we cannot take back. Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘an arrow sent into the air cannot be called back?’ That’s true of our words and actions as well. No matter how deeply we regret what we said, or how we acted or reacted the pain doesn’t go away. Oh, we might ask for forgiveness and receive it, but the other person will still be deeply wounded. Many times, we are angry, and we don’t know the source of our anger. We just seem to snap, in some people’s words, or lash out without an apparent cause. In that case, you might need to seek professional help to get at the root cause.
Don’t force my anger! Many an argument has begun because someone pushed your button(s). They pushed and pushed until the pressure built up, and boom, you exploded. Are you really anger with that person, or did what they said cause you to recall some past hurt that you had suppressed? That could trigger a cry for help. Let’s see if we can get a little handle on how to more calmly handle that anger before it bubbles over.
Let’s try these self-helps:
1) Allow yourself to acknowledge that you are feeling angry. Pause and whisper a quick prayer.
2) When you begin to feel the anger try breathing and slowly counting to 10, or 20, to give yourself time to calm down.
3) If possible, remove yourself from the situation, (I.e. take a short walk).
4) As I stated earlier, try to ignore what is been said, and the tone and hear the message. We tend to listen better if we are calm.
Many of us lack the patience that we need to get through a trying situation. We self defeat because we lose sight of the goal. As Effie said in the movie, Dream Girls, “this time Effie wins.
When we allow someone else to force our anger, we have given them the control. They now win, because we are out of control.
The Bible teaches us: “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil” (Ephesians 4:26-27).
Well, that’s it for now my friends. We’ll talk again later. In the meantime, I wish you love, joy, peace, and patience.
Barbara G.
Until then just remember these words spoken by Aristotle:
“Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry at the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not is everybody’s power and is not easy.”