Master Woody Speaks: Stay Cool!
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We are excited to start a new weekly series entitled “Master Woody Speaks”. This series will share Tai Chi highlights, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), creative and fun filled short stories, inspirations for life, insights and much, much, more. So without further ado, let’s dive into our first topic!
STAY COOL! The other day one of my nephews called me to share an experience he was having with holding his temper. He said he had never seen or heard of me ever losing my temper or becoming angry about anything. He really wanted to know how I maintained my cool in trying situations.
We talked in length about different ways of maintaining a state of coolness using various techniques, for instance; controlled breathing, mindfulness of tone and choice of words, and walking away from toxic situations. I also reminded my nephew that there are situations in life that we simply don’t have any control of, specifically as it concerns to the choices of others. Simply put somethings are just not worth fighting about or becoming angry over; think about it!
I mentioned to my nephew that we can’t control what others think in their head or completely know why they are thinking the way they are thinking. Also everyone is entitled to think whatever they choose to think, hopefully it is not acted on in a manner that affect others in a negative vain. I reminded my nephew that he is responsible for his actions; good, bad or otherwise. My advice for his consideration was that he would be helping himself by maintain his cool in most situations if he just took a moment to think before acting or speaking. Generally this simple act of thinking first usually helps to get the best results for everyone concerned.
We concluded our conversation on a positive note and my nephew said it sounded very easy but he knew he had a few things to work on to help him address daily situations before they become problem situations in his life.
How do you address situations before they become problems in your life? Remember your response will always starts with your choice of action! Choose wisely and after that, let go and let GOD!
Try an easy exercise from my book “Tai Chi Secrets” which is simply named “RE-LAX” This exercise is done by inhaling through your nose and thinking on “RE” and exhaling through your mouth thinking on “LAX” Try this exercise (5) times several times through out your day. This will allow you to be prepared to use this technique whenever you feel anxious, frustrated, or on the verge of an emotional response, just pause, breath “RE-LAX” and STAY COOL!
You can purchase my book “Tai Chi Secrets” by clicking this link!
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REMEMBER to Subscribe, Share, and STAY COOL….
~One Love Master Woody