Journey for Life

Over the course of my life, I have had many adventures. The journey of healthy living which transformed into a holistic practice of living is by far my most adventurous journey. My wellness journey began more than sixty (60) years ago and continues to the present time.

This journey started when I was about twelve years of age. One of my oldest aunts whose eyesight was failing would ask me to read to her when I visited her home. I would read from one of her many books about natural health, healing techniques or folklore and stuff like that.  

Through the years she maintained a well trained and experienced mind full of knowledge and “Mother Wit” in which she shared with me often.  My aunt was very sharp for her age and possessed a wealth of knowledge and lifelong experience far beyond book sense.  Her impeccable wisdom and living by example attitude afforded me the opportunity to benefit from her knowledge at each of our reading sessions.  She was the foundation that contributed to my growth and development in the field of mind, body and spirit modalities without me ever knowing it.

I would read all those fine font print health books to my aunt, rather I fully understood what I was reading at the time or not.  I began enjoying those books with their strange subject matter more and more with every reading.   The information within those pages started to sink in.   I started understanding the material more and more while I connected the dots so to speak as it related to a healthy lifestyle and just like that I was hooked for life. 

My eating habits became more selective towards a balanced lifestyle, as I paid more attention to nutrition, studied various forms of martial arts, Tai Chi and Qigong as well as hypnosis, Chinese medicine, some acupressure, energy-based medicine and spirituality.  

I began to realize I was being guided and placed on a holistic path of health towards a higher consciousness that would last for the rest of my lifetime. As my learning deepened, I shared new found health knowledge and healing techniques with others.  Since 1982 I have been teaching Tai Chi, Qi gong and associated martial arts as well as mind and body modalities professionally.  I am proud to say my health has remained intact without medical problems or surgeries of any kind for nearly 78 years.

Then came Covid-19 and a worldwide pandemic that did not discriminate against anyone; healthy or otherwise. Covid-19 put a grip on me with such a force that I was hospitalized for eighty (80) challenging days in ICU. I was heavily sedated into an induced coma. During my time in that coma, I could actually hear medical staff talking about how bad my condition was and how they didn’t think I would make it. Can you imagine going from a totally healthy person to being flat on your back in the Intensive Care Unit, alone without family for seventeen (17) days? Well, I could not have imagined that for my life, that is until it was my life.     

Once my wife was allowed to be by my side, it was a game changer, questions were asked and accountability was put into play. My wife made it very clear that medical staff were to stop talking negatively about me while in my room because I could hear them even though I could not speak. God used my wife in a mighty way to advocate for me and the very first thing she did was put out a request for a daily prayer call at 6pm. People around the world prayed for my healing and release from the hospital. There is Power in prayer. Although, our journey was still very tedious and challenging, we made it through with the help of God.

God had spoken to my wife that I would live and not die, that was her driving force to get me out of the hospital. During my time in a coma, GOD was talking with me and told me I would not die.   He told me He had other work for me to do with my wife and I was His child.  The long and short of my story is this; when the three (3) of us left the hospital, that’s right I said three of us, Jesus, my wife, and me. I was not on supplemental oxygen and was released directly from the ICU into the care of my wife. The bottom line concerning this health-related situation is this; Who’s report were we going to believe man’s or God’s? God is FAITHFUL to his word! AND WE STAND ON THAT TO THE END OF TIME!

The healing process has been challenging at times however with the love and support of my family and friends, I am getting better and better every day, in every way.    

If you are not already on a path to a healthy lifestyle of wellness and well-being for your mind, body, and spirit it is never too late to get started. You can even start out as simple as eating a healthy breakfast of your liking in the morning. Next step drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and flushed. And last but definitely not least say a prayer of thanks repeatedly throughout the day. Get started and keep on keeping on.

“I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best for both the body and the mind”.  Albert Einstein

To your continued good health; mind, body and spirit.  MASTER WOODY


The Best


Master Woody Speaks: Stay Cool!