Today Is…Just That, Today!
Why Wait When You Have TODAY?
Well, hello again fellow friends and readers. Yes, it’s me again. Back to share a few more nuggets with you. I pray that these words of encouragement will bring you joy and peace as you navigate life.
As I sat in my bed this morning, a thought occurred to me. This is a new day, one that I’ve not lived before. Yes, it’s a day, much like other days where the sun has risen at a certain time, and will set at a certain time, but different. How is that! Well, I had to ponder that one. Then it came—that thought. Whatever happens today, belongs only to this day, and it will not repeat itself. This made me think about the movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
In this movie, Ferris Bueller, a high school senior decides that he is going to pretend illness so that he can skip school and have a day of fun with his friends. After all, after graduation, many of them would be going their separate ways. He convinces his friend Cameron to take his dad’s Ferrari-which is his pride and joy—and they go on a day of adventure. As they joyride and visit a museum, go to a fancy restaurant, and attend a baseball game among other things, there are lessons that we can learn.
One thing that we can learn is that life moves pretty fast, and if we’re not careful we’ll miss it. I’m not saying do a Ferris Bueller number, but always find something to enjoy in your day. Tho’ we can’t change other’s thoughts and views about life we can believe in ourselves and our own self-worth and do better.
In words from a quote by Steve Jobs, we can be encouraged to live out our best lives. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
There’s a saying that says, “I have so months to mind my own business and six months to leave yours alone.” I always looked at that from the standpoint of minding mine (six months) and leaving yours alone (six months), which gives me no wiggle room to be a busybody. I need all of that twelve months to work on me. As a matter of fact, I can start with one day. At least twelve of the twenty-four hours in that day can be used to better me.
Today Is… an opportunity for me to grow, to see things in a new light. Today Is… an opportunity to embrace the joys of this life. Today Is… an opportunity to allow myself to feel, what I feel without fear, shame, guilt, or retribution. Today Is… an opportunity to get closer to my source of strength—the Lord.
Look for something good in each day, because that day will soon fade away, never to shine again.
Well, that’s it for this time my friends. We’ll talk again later. In the meantime, I wish you love, joy, peace, and patience. Until then may you be blessed. Much love!!
“The past, the present, and the future are really one-they are today.” ~~Stowe