Once Lost! Now Found…


Well hello friends and fellow readers. I’m back and so excited to share another nugget with you.

Do you remember the parable of the woman who had ten coins, and lost one of them in her house? In her attempts to find it she swept her whole house until it was found. She valued that one coin above the other ten. She celebrated. (Luke 15:8-10)

Sometimes I sit back and think about our world. Many of our young people today are traveling down a road that is leading them on a journey to where, they know not. God is looking for them, but they will not hear. That’s where we come in, because we were once lost, and Jesus found us. We didn’t have to be perfect, we just had to believe. You see, no soul is not worth searching for, so God does not stop searching, and when it is found it is deemed as important as those who have already been found.

Isaiah 43:1 says, “But now this says the Lord who created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name and you are mine .

I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but now I see. God loves the person who is a sinner so much that He will never stop seeking that one which is lost. Just like when the lady in the story found her missing coin celebrated with her friends when it was found, we too should celebrate when a lost one returns to the fold, even more so when one comes into the fold.

Jesus came to earth to seek and save the one who was lost. During the coming season think about who might be waiting for you. Who needs a helping hand. Who needs to know that there is hope. Our hope is built on a solid foundation. That foundation is Jesus.

I once was lost, but since I have been redeemed, I can look up and say with a certainty that I am found. I share with you that blessed assurance that says Jesus is mine. When you feel lost, remember that you can be found, because Jesus is the way. He seeks that which was loss and restores it to the fold, because He considers us all as special, and the angels will sing.

We’ll talk again later, but until then you’re wished much joy, love, and peace and blessings.  ~Barbara G

“Sometimes you need to get lost to find yourself.” — Rishu


Difficulty Breeds Endurance
