While Out Driving… Master Woody Speaks!
While out driving the other day I noticed a lot going on around me on the highway. Things going on like, drivers exceeding the speed limit by 15 or more miles per hour; cars jumping from lane to lane as well as tailgaters so close to the car in front of them you would think their car was being towed. Also as I looked a little closer at some of the drivers in those cars some of their facial expressions as well as supportive body language ranged from anger and hostility to a lot of other not so good things in-between. The supportive negative body language and hand gestures those drivers displayed toward other drivers spelled out various degrees of disagreements, anger, road rage and internal turmoil of the worst kind.
I could only imagine what might have been going on in the heads of those disgruntled drivers out there; from my vantage point it definitely was not happy words or thoughts of kumbaya by any means. Some of those drivers out there could have also been displaying signs of mental health issues or what have you. Let’s be the bigger person and not become a part of negativity and road rage on the highways; a positive response toward others just might save a life.
Speaking of mental health; on our Love Drops podcast we recently interviewed Dr. LaShaunda P. Massey, who spoke extensively on the topic of mental health. She also shared a wealth of valuable and insightful information concerning mental health. Check out the episode.
Now, getting back to what I was saying about some highway drivers. I wonder if those drivers out there displaying aggressive behaviors of anger, negative body language and dismay realize that continuous stressful behavior patterns of this nature can lead to tumors, ulcers, various forms of cancers and other diseases to say the least. I wonder if their driving behavior might be a little better if they really realized the harm they were doing to their own overall health. I’m just saying.
Anger management, if in the mix, is another issue that should be addressed before it becomes a major problem and spreads like cancer throughout a person’s entire life. If this behavior shows up with ongoing regularity while a person is driving in their car it might seem like there are more than one person driving.
We are all driving on the same highways and by driving safely we can all have a much better chance of getting where we are going, out of harm’s way and in one piece?
Whatever the cause or causes for those drivers' behavior while driving with those external displays of negativity on their faces coupled with supportive aggressive body language don’t let it become a part of you. Negative behaviors on the highway will only generate more negative behaviors. Be mindful to protect your peace as you are driving and navigating the highways and roads.
In brief, negative behavior, especially while driving on the highways can easily drive you right to the hospital, one way or another. Keep your mind, body and spirit on one accord. To your continued good driving health!
~Master Woody