Didn’t See That Coming
Home Discharge with Physical Therapist and Chief of Nursing Escort to The Car!
People often comment on my healthy and strong appearance, they would say things like “you must live in the gym” or “what’s your health secrets.” Well since my teenage years I have followed a holistic approach to life. Read more about that in Journey for Life. On a regular basis I would do exercises for my mind, body and spirit. Weightlifting, basketball, various martial arts styles are things I did in my younger days. Currently my regimen consists mostly of Tai Chi, Qigong, and Walking Meditation, which actually works for my mind, body, and spirit very well with outstanding results.
Never have I considered myself immune from sickness; I made it a priority to live healthy in order to avoid getting ill and being hospitalized. For nearly 78 years I have maintained the picture of health mentally, physically, and spiritually. However, in 2021 there was a whirlwind that evolved into a tsunami which headed directly for me, and I didn’t see it coming. The following is my story, may you be inspired to share!
I am a living and walking MIRACLE! After nearly78 years of never being hospitalized or on prescription medications I was admitted to Intensive Care in May 2021, with a diagnosis of COVID Pneumonia. My hospitalization lasted 80 days in Intensive Care from which I was discharge home to the care of my wife, Diane. Doctors and other medical staff were surprised by my recovery and discharge directly home. The recommendation had been for me to be sent to a Skilled Nursing Facility also known as a Nursing Home, But God!
During my hospitalization I spent 23 days in a medically induced coma. I heard the doctors at my bedside saying that I was not going to make it, they actually said “He’s a goner, there’s no way he’s coming back from this.” They went on to say, “If he does make it through this he will be on supplemental oxygen for the rest of his life.” Those statements were made right over me as I laid in that hospital bed in a coma; and YES, I heard them! Needless to say, I was infuriated and also motivated to fight my way back to life. I knew God was not finished with me and I had more life to live. I also did not want to leave my wife Diane to complete our assignments and ministry on her own.
My journey back was not an easy one and even though Diane was a seasoned critical care nurse and nurse educator the battle back was challenging. For twenty-one days I wasn’t allowed visitors during which time I acquired an unstageable bed sore due to neglect. I also was physically assaulted during the intubation process leaving an unreported laceration to the left side of my face. I was over sedated during the time I was in a coma with drugs which were not designed to be mixed. Despite Diane’s repeated request to stop the sedation and wake me up, it was not until she refused to sign the consent for the tracheotomy that the sedation was stopped. It is so important to have an advocate during a hospitalization, especially when you are unable to speak up.
The pain related to the bedsore caused me to be over medicated with narcotics to the point that I became very confused, agitated, and impulsive making me unsafe. Once again Diane advocated on my behalf to try non narcotics to manage the pain. The battle to achieve this plan of care required several emails to administration and finally to the Chief Operating Officer of the hospital, before the narcotics were stopped. After three weeks of back and forth with doctors and administration all the narcotics where finally discontinued. Within 48 hours of replacing the narcotics with non-narcotic medications, my pain was managed. Shortly thereafter I was discharged home, alert and oriented, without the need for supplemental oxygen or any prescription drugs. Finally, I was able to fully recover and heal from the traumatic experience of being hospitalized for the first time in my life!
As we went through this experience, there were prayer warriors praying for me that extended around the globe. Collectively at 6pm daily people were praying for my recovery. Our friends, family and even people we didn't know were praying for my life to be restored! On Friday May 21st, the same day I was intubated, Elder Eric Eldridge from the Life Center in Atlanta prayed a prayer that Diane listened to daily and also played for me while I was in a coma! There is Healing Power in Prayer, and I am living proof of that.
God told Diane Day 1 that I would LIVE and not DIE. Despite all that was said and done to me and her; Diane stood firmly on the word of God!
It has been over a year now since my hospitalization and I am healed! By the Grace of God every day I am getting better and better!
They called me the miracle man as I was wheeled out of the hospital, and I know that my life is proof that God is still performing miracles. Whose Report Are You Going to BELIEVE? TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
Living on Purpose with Purpose!