FEAR is a Part of The Journey

Our journey was set and we were committed to the adventures ahead of us. The keys were placed on the kitchen counter and we departed our home, of eight years, for the last time. The car was packed to capacity and we were prepared to drive to our first destination.

The first shake up came day one, when our transitional lodging fell through at the last minute. This would be our first of many re-routes, and the point where fear showed up. FEAR: "You are going to have to live in your car. What were you thinking to take such a ridiculous journey. Seriously, you really should of listened to the voice of reason and stayed put. THEY'RE ALL GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU!"

The last thing we needed to do in that moment was freak out, so we did the opposite and went to the park and just relaxed. The appearance of our car reminded me of the Beverly Hillbillies, with the exception of granny sitting on top in the rocking chair. While sitting at the park we were motivated to rearrange the contents in the car. During the process of rearranging our belongings, we couldn't help thinking that onlookers probably thought we lived in our car. I wanted to scream "We don't live in our car"!!! But than I remembered, we had just turned in our house keys, and although we would not be living in our car, we were homeless.

That was a moment of Truth, when our faith was indeed tested. I thought about the song, Oceans by (Hillsong United)

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without border. Let me walk upon the waters, wherever you would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander. And my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior."

We had sang this song at church, and found ourselves, exactly where we had asked to be, in a place where our trust was without borders. FEAR: "Ha that's what you get, better be careful what you ask for. THEY ARE ALL GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU!"

Day one of the journey clearly revealed, that this adventure was so much bigger then the two of us, and that we should expect more re-routes. However, a few more months would pass before Charles and I, would totally surrendered to where God was leading us. Our greatest breakthrough came when we stopped allowing the opinions and judgments of others to be a factor, in the process of our journey.

About six months into our journey, the time came for us to leave California. Although we were ready to continue the adventure, leaving our grand-kids was a serious punch in the heart. On the flip-side by the time we left California we had overcome the FEAR of what anyone thought or said about our journey. FEAR: "Fine who cares what others think about your journey. You're probably going to run out of cash-flow on this road trip anyway. Hope you know how to hold up a sign for money."

Five years have passed since we embarked on this journey to Paris, France. Although, we have yet to reach our destination, the journey has now transformed into our Ministry. Go Where I Send You, is that ministry and sharing love is how we are called to minister. Our journey continues to lead us into beautiful encounters with amazing people, places and things. Now when FEAR shows up, we use it as a catalyst to forge ahead. ~OneLove... Diane/Charles

"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." ~Audre Lorde


Ring it Again


Gratitude Girls