Spirit Lead Me Where My Trust is Without Borders Let Me Walk Upon the Waters; WHEREVER You May Call Me!
My favorite scripture from the Bible is Proverbs 3:5-6! Honestly, I don’t know when it became my favorite; what I do know is that my life has aligned with that scripture for as long as I can remember. “TRUST GOD” Yeah that’s easier said than done, but that is the message of Proverbs 3:5-6. Beyond what you may believe, understand or are told TRUST GOD! WAIT! WHAT? That sounds absolutely absurd, and no rational minded person would ever even consider this; RIGHT? Wrong! I am a very rational minded person, at times too rational. However, at some point I chose Proverbs 3:5-6 over being rational, over what others said, and over what I wanted in a moment. I made that choice once and continue to do so with no regrets; despite looking and being perceived as crazy at times. Although often I could not explain my actions because many times I didn’t even understand them, yet there was a peace within that assured me that I was on the right path.
5.“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6. In all thy ways acknowledge him; and he shall direct thy paths.” ~Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)
Soon after becoming a registered nurse, I felt compelled to explore travel nursing. I could not understand the strong pull to look into becoming a travel nurse, I was living my dream and COMFORTABLE! Well, the urge became more and more persistent, so I went with it and begin to explore being a travel nurse. Within 12 months, I was sitting alone in my filled to capacity Honda Accord and heading West to pursue a career as a travel nurse in Southern California. My family and friends were not feeling this move and made no qualms about letting me know it! Despite, all the questioning and arguments inside and out of my head I took the journey because I was compelled to do so. Going beyond my comfort zone in this situation opened up a new world of adventures and opportunities that literally changed my life in amazing ways. Now let’s be clear, this was not an easy choice or path, but I can say without hesitation that it was so worth it!
Normally I would use “led to…” in describing decisions beyond my understanding. However, during this morning’s meditation, the young lady that was presenting made the following statement: “I was compelled to…” Hearing that statement, was an “Ah Ha” moment for me, which described so many decisions and experiences I have had in my life. Check out my book “Clearly Ready” for more stories! Moving right along, I have a better understanding of my mom’s words: “TRUST GOD” What I have come to learn on my journey is everytime I get comfortable I am compelled to leap. I would love to say it’s become easier with each leap or that I leap immediately after I am compelled to do so, but that would not be true.
Sometimes I find myself in a full-on conversation with my callings; “Why now? why this or that? why, why, why?” Yet what I know for sure is this; When I fully put my trust in God things have a way of aligning in the most phenomenal order beyond my comprehension. So, in my moments of questioning there is a knowing that I am going to follow the call of God, because when it’s all said; not my will thy will be done!
I have been compelled to walk away from relationships, dream homes, and jobs without fully understanding. I have been laughed at talked about and set aside for what I felt was isolation only later to discover it was for preparation! Please understand I do not share my story for sympathy. I am a living, walking, breathing and talking testament that if you will just allow yourself to go beyond your understanding there is something amazing just for you, waiting!
Fast forward to the current time where I am typing this blog. I don’t want to say I am comfortable as it may activate a compelling notion to leap! (HA-HA) Seriously though I am at peace in a beautiful and serene location where I was compelled to write my second book “After-Care, Finding Peace Beyond Trauma”. Although I know at some point I will leap again into something NEW for now I am compelled to enjoy the view, sip on my coffee, and inspire each of you reading this to TRUST GOD; BEYOND YOUR UNDERSTANDING!
“Being Comfortable is a Dangerous Place to Be; Because it Keeps You from Becoming Exceptional in Motion!” ~DL Woody
Thank-you for reading, sharing, and subscribing! ~OneLove Diane